


LAMB Integrated Rural Health and Development এর সেবা সমূহ

LAMB Integrated Rural Health and Development Project


Organization's Value, Mission and Vision



 -Example of Jesus Christ

 -Respect God-given Resources,

 -Accessible and Equitable Service

 -Respect for All People

 -High Quality and Appropriate Services and Programs, Sustainability

 -Model of Excellence

 -Humble Service



Our vision is to see people living as God intended in spiritually, physically, socio-economically and emotionally healthy communities with capacity to develop and utilize sustainable, holistic and reproducible health and development programs. LAMB will build capacity using our diverse personnel, resources and expertise in integrated community and hospital programs, networking with communities, Churches, NGO’s and the Government of Bangladesh.



The mission of our Christian Organization is to serve God through serving the poor or under privileged people, especially Women and Children of Bangladesh.


Major areas of focus

 Mother and child health, Adolescent health development, Disaster risk reduction, Church mobilization.







মোহাম্মদ সাইদুল আরীফ
জেলা প্রশাসক, কুড়িগ্রাম ।

মোঃ মিনহাজুল ইসলাম
অতিরিক্ত জেলা প্রশাসক ( সাবিক ), কুড়িগ্রাম ।

NGO সমূহ