


সলিডারিটি এর সেবা সমূহ

SDC Shomoshti Project

SOLIDARITY has been implementing SDC-Shomoshti with Local Government projects of SDC and CARE’s governance projects to facilitate governance mechanisms and practices inclusive of   the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized groups. Through coordination, collaboration and building synergies, the project will enhance enabling environment for producers groups and communities to access market and basic services including social safety net schemes of the Government. Shomoshti’s outreach will extend to at least 26000 rural households of which 70% will be poor, 40% disadvantaged, and 30% women. In targeting of the poor and disadvantaged and marginalized women. Shomoshti recognizes that characteristics of poor, disadvantaged and marginalized women are context specific. The project will follow four steps selection process Identification of poorest & most vulnerable districts and upazilas, Union Identification, Identification of producer groups and communities & Identification of poor & disadvantaged households) to determine specific targeted households as primary outreach.

Integrated Child Centered Climate Change Adaptation Project.

SOLIDARITY implemented the project since 2012. There are various wouk on Climate Change Adaptation. Beside CCA the project always perform DRR & emergency response. Working area of the project Bhurungamari, Nageshwari & Kurigram sador upozilas.

Child Domestic worker protection (CDWP)Project

This project address to children are protected from domestic work, reduced exploitation and violation and protected their rights.


ENHANCING RESILIENCE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE TO FLOOD AFFECTED PEOPLE IN NORTHERN BANGLADESH implementation by WFO assisted -Country program(2012-2016). Supported  cash Tk 9000/= in each  total 700 family recevied  at Ghogadha and Bhogdanga under Kurigram Sadar upazilla.


ENHANCING RESILIENCE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE TO FLOOD AFFECTED PEOPLE IN NORTHERN BANGLADESH implementation by WFO assisted -Country program(2012-2016). Supported  cash Tk 9000/= in each  total 700 family recevied  at Ghogadha and Bhogdanga under Kurigram Sadar upazilla.

Recovery for Flood Affected people in North west Bungladesh

Recovery for Flood Affected people in North west Bungladesh funded byDFID, OXFAM,GB, NARRI, CARE UK

Emergency Response to the Flood Effected families

This  service supported by Save the Children in Bangladesh. They are mainly supported  3000 cash to 800 Flood Effected families at Nageswari and Bhrungamari Upazilla.

Shushasoner Jonno Procharavijan

This project is supported by the SUPRO and activities are advocacy, campaign, training on PRSP, MDG, poverty alleviation, good governance, tax justice and day observance etc. Conduct social Audit on Health, Education etc.

Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA-BD) project

The Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA-BD) project in implementing to improve maize wheat and vegetable production as well as establish local maize marketing

Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO II) Program

Agriculture, Health, education, women Empowerment, Linkage with local government, Nutrition for lactating and pregnant Mother, ANC/PNC, Mother and child health, Satellite clinic, Latrine insulation, Social mobilization ,Live support disaster resilience,  food shelter, Boat support, pre and post disaster activities through volunteers women empowerment, ,Social security

Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP)

Food security, livelihood development, Women empowerment, IEP Infrastructure development, Homestead raising,  plinth raising for  monga mitigation Direct Nutrition, IGA, Savings, Disaster response, ANC/PNC, Mother and child health, Satellite clinic, Latrine insulation, Social mobilization, Assets transfer, Social mobilization

Climate Change Adoption

enhance the capacity of targeted children communities aware and adopted preventive activities on climate change

Rural WaSH

Ensure safe water and improve sanitatin facilities towards the communities the project has installed New Tube Well, Tube Well Upgradation, Platform Construction, Water Quality Test (Specially Arsenic Test), Promote Hand Washing Device at household level, Tube well and latrine installation at institution & Public Place level, CBO Capacity Building through different types of training, Child Group training on WaSH, Adolescent Group Training on Personal Hygiene, Union WatSan Committee & UDMC meeting conduct, LGI capacity building on WaSH, Open Budget Advocacy etc.

Strengthening Food Security of Char Poor Peoples Project (SFSCP)

This Project has Two component 1. Food Security. 2. Income generation and Employment. Food security, IGA, Home gardening,  agriculture Development,  Ca,paign, Rally, Small business ,Women development, HIV AIDs, Disaster response, Nutrition, linkage with Go/NGOs, Village Development Committee, Food Bank etc.

Hazardous Child Labour Elimination (HCLE)

Children education, Health, Job replacement, Vocational Training, Disaster response, Child protection and rehabilitation

Micro Credit Program

SOLIDARITY is a non-government, and non-profitable development organization, working since 1992 in the Kurigram district as well as northern part of Bangladesh. Since its inception, SOLIDARITY has been working to develop the disadvantaged and underprivileged people of Kurigram, Joypurhat, Dinajpur, Rangpur and Lalmonirhat districts. Out of these areas, Kurigram is more prone to natural disasters, which disrupt the lives of many whom already suffer many hardships. Moreover sixteen rivers including Bramahputra, Tista, and Dharla are flows across the areas. It is a common scenario of this area is uncertain heavy and permanent flood, river erosion, droughts; too much cold spells with thick fog, rainless hot sunlight make life in this area extremely difficult. Most of the peoples of this area are under poor level (hardcore poor), landless and permanent workless. Lack of employment opportunities causes great adversity for many rural poor. As a result there is a deformity period is calm down in every year called `MONGA' towards the community including scarcity and pestilence strict. So peoples are trying against this kind of natural disaster and trap of social exploitation in their own track. They are bound to tackle the life and livelihood straggle and have taken various unforeseen and risky situation. A great number of men migrate to large cities in search of jobs.SOLIDARITY is a non-government, and non-profitable development organization, working since 1992 in the Kurigram district as well as northern part of Bangladesh. Since its inception, SOLIDARITY has been working to develop the disadvantaged and underprivileged people of                                                                                                                                                                                                    


Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Households Towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH)

SOLIDARITY is a non-government, and non-profitable development organization, working since 1992 in the Kurigram district as well as northern part of Bangladesh. Since its inception, SOLIDARITY has been working to develop the disadvantaged and underprivileged people of Kurigram, Joypurhat, Dinajpur, Rangpur and  Lalmonirhat districts. Out of these areas, Kurigram is more prone to natural disasters, which disrupt the lives of many whom already suffer many hardships. Moreover sixteen rivers including Bramahputra, Tista, and Dharla are flows across the areas. It is a common scenario of this area is uncertain heavy and permanent flood, river erosion, droughts; too much cold spells with thick fog, rainless hot sunlight make life in this area extremely difficult. Most of the peoples of this area are under poor level (hardcore poor), landless and permanent workless. Lack of employment opportunities causes great adversity for many rural poor. As a result there is a deformity period is calm down in every year called `MONGA' towards the community including scarcity and pestilence strict. So peoples are trying against this kind of natural disaster and trap of social exploitation in their own track. They are bound to tackle the life and livelihood straggle and have taken various unforeseen and risky situation. A great number of men migrate to large cities in search of jobs.


Under such conditions, the organization has established to reduce poverty and violence against children of urban slums of Kurigram. Over the years, due to more responsive and effective to the needs, it has diversified its program interventions and did increase its geographic coverage both in rural and urban areas. SOLIDARITY has been working for changing disadvantage, neglected and most vulnerable men, women and children though alleviate poverty, improve their life & livelihood and mainstreaming on development initiative. In this process SOLIDARITY has been launching empowerment activities for household and community level with the long-term vision for the sustainable development. The initiative includes different project/program on education, health, water supply, environmental sanitation, microfinance, agriculture, food security, human rights, disaster risk-reduction etc. for the disadvantaged poor and most vulnerable people. SOLIDARITY has meet proficiency on disaster mitigation and food security from numbers of project implementation and also brought remarkable changes from 21 years of serving experience to the rural poor.


Headquarter of this organization is based in Kurigram New Town area. It has own space (0.28 decimal land with building) of a training center in Kurigram town for capacity building of GOs/NGOs staff as well as organizational income generation. Skilled and experienced training personnel’s, sound management along with well equipped and updated facilities are available in the center.

The Organization Goal : SOLIDARITY is Everywhere in Human Life.


Objectives: Objectives of this organization are design as letter-sequence of `SOLIDARITY' name:   

S    †   Social Justice; To establish social justice;

O   †   Organization; To organize neglected, oppressed, deprived people through capacity building  

            and improve their quality of life and livelihoods

L    †   Liberation Consciousness; To preserve and culture the glorious monument and history of

           Bangladesh's liberation war.

I     †   Intellectuality; To inspire latest invention and modernization for manifestation   of


D   †   Development; To ensure science and technology-familiar sustainable development for

            alleviation of poverty, ensuring resource mobilization, Income generation, education, health

            through agriculture and non agriculture and  resource utilization properly.

A   †   Awareness; To eradicate social behindhand, superstitious and ignorance of state policies

            through awareness building.

R   †   Rights; To establish people rights (health, education, adolescent & women empowerment)

            recognized by UN and state.

I     †   Impact of Ecological Environment; To protect environment and peace for saving human


T    †   Tradition and Culture; Having cultural heritages & festivals towards life against ill-culture.

Y   †   Yeomen's Services; To assist every necessary support for neglected people through disaster




Strategy of Solidarity


Vision: SOLIDARITY seeks a country based on social justice, people’s organization, liberation conciseness, intellectuality, development, awareness, human rights, impact on ecological environment, pride in culture in tradition and bring about positive changes in the lives of the vulnerable people, women and children where poverty will be overcome and people live in dignity and security.


Mission: Building strong community based organizations (CBOs) which will eventually be able to plan, priorities and implement their own development programs through mobilization and combination of resources: - Household and Community, Government, Donor agencies and concerned civil society. To enhance community and the organizational capacity for positive changes in the lives of the vulnerable people women and children for reducing their poverty, improve livelihood and people live in dignity and security.


Aims: To be expected a society of Community of choice within worldwide movement dedicated to eradicating poverty.


At a Glance

Name of the organization             :        SOLIDARITY

Type of Organization                    :        Non-government development organization

Date of Establishment                  :        January 14, 1992


Legal Status                                  :

Registration Authority                              Number                            Date

Directorate of Social Service, Rangpur    233/1992                           10.06.1992

NGO Affaires Bureau                              1173/1997                         21.07.1997

Micro Credit Regulatory Authority          01402-00515-00246          14.05.2008


Contact Person                              :        S.M Harun Or Rashid Lal

Designation                                   :        Executive Director


Address and Contact                    :

New Town, Kurigram, Post Code- 5600, Bangladesh

                                                               Phone : (880+581) 61222, 61485, 61666

                                                               E-mail :solidarity_bd@yahoo.com

                                                               Cell Phone : 01715-169469

                                                               Web Site- www.solidaritybd.org









Working Area (Present)



# of Union

# of Village











Kurigram Sadar           



















Lalmonirhat Sadar







   Rangpur Sadar                     













Beneficiaries Information

Category of Beneficiaries





















Ongoing Programs & Activities (Up to 2013)


  1. 1.      Micro Credit Program

This Program has been started from 31 of August 1992 and it is funded by Palli Karma Sohayok Foundation (PKSF) since 24 of September 1994 and the program is continuing till now. Objective of the program is to improve livelihood and asset as well as empowerment and reduce vulnerability among poor, hardcore poor, disadvantaged and neglected men and women through micro-credit support. This program also emphasis of women empowerment and gender responsiveness. Total   beneficiaries of this program are 5316 of 04 Upazilla under Kurigram district through maintaining 08 branches.


  1. 2.      Hazardous Child Labour Elimination Project (HCLE)

The Goal of the project “A child labour free Bangladesh where basic rights every child have been fulfilled. Focused to withdrawn children from GoB listed hazardous workplace, create conducive working environment for the working children are lawfully eligible to work in non-hazardous works and protect vulnerable children entering into labour market. The project is funded by Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) for the period of August, 2013 to July, 2016. Total beneficiaries of this project are 8443 of 03 upazilla under Kurigram district and 01 upazilla under Lalmonirha district.



  1. 3.      Rural WaSH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene)

The Goal of this project is Contribute to the achievement of national goal on WaSH through context-specific & scalable water supply, sanitation & hygiene services in hard-to-reach areas and Objectives are Poor and excluded population are able to demand context-specific water supply & sanitation services with special focus on climate vulnerabilities in rural hard-to-reach areas; Poor, disadvantaged and vulnerable populations in selected hard-to-reach areas have established their access to sustainable water supply, sanitation and hygiene facilities and Policy-makers, local governments and service agencies are sensitized and respond effectively in promotion of sustainable water supply, sanitation & hygiene services. The project is funded by Water Aid Bangladesh for the period of 01 April 2011 to November 2013. Total beneficiaries of this project were 19000 at Nageshawri Upazilla under Kurigram district. This project is working now Bhurungamari Upazilla under Kurigram district for the period of December 2013 to November 2014. Total beneficiaries of this project are 25000.


  1. 4.      Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO II)    


SHOUHARDO II is the largest food security program in the world, funded by CARE Bangladesh has selected SOLIDARITY to implement the program in 08 unions of Kurigram Sadar upazilla covering 49 villages. This program is covering eight technical sectors (Agriculture/Natural Resource Management, Civil Society Strengthening, Education, Emergency Preparedness/Disaster Mitigation, Climate change, Health & Nutrition, Non-Agriculture Income Generation, Vulnerable Group Feeding/Social Safety Net, Water/Sanitation. Duration of this project is October- 2007 to February- 2015. Total beneficiaries of this program are 16633 poor and extreme poor households.


5. Strengthening Food Security of Char Poor People (SFSCP)Project.

This project is funded by Bread for the World (BftW) for the period of June 2009 to July 2015. Overall objective of this project is to contribute livelihood of ‘char’ poor people in Kurigram district. Total beneficiaries of this project are 3600 households which living below poverty line and extreme poverty selected from 80 villages of 06 unions of two Upazilla (Rowmari and Rajibpur) under Kurigram district.


6. Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP )

The objectives of CLP are to decline extreme poverty of  char dwellers of Bangladesh by creating income generating activities specially during Manga( scarcity of having food and work),  ensuring food security education and health service, making them aware to claim and enjoy their rights through influencing local and central government, upgrading nutritional status, building infrastructure  to increase ability to fight against natural disasters, growing mentality to deposit more, and finally making them capable to adapt themselves to cope with climate change. Duration of this project is August 2010 to June 2014 and target peoples are 2350 extreme poor at Bhrungamari and Nageshawri upazilla under Kurigram district. This project is funded by DFID-CLP.


7. Child Domestic worker protection (CDWP) Project

The Goal of this project is to Improved Child Domestic Worker Literacy & their skill through vocational training; to Increased their Capacity on Life Skill through training & recreational activity; to Civil society are more aware to develop key learning on efficiency support  as per needs. The project is funded by Ain o Shalish Kendro for the period of 2011 to 2013. Total beneficiaries of this project are 2205 of sadar Upazilla under Kurigram district.



8. Child centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) project.



The Goal of this project is more children are protected from rights violations caused by man made and natural disaster and objective is build Capacity of stakeholders, particularly children and adolescent, to mitigate disaster risk, making them more resilient in disaster situations and reducing vulnerability and Advocacy for more child centered DRR policy and action at the national level, The Project is funded by UDDIPAN for the period of 2011 to 2013. Total beneficiaries of this project are 360 of 02 Upazilla under Kurigram district. 





9. Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Households Towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH)

The main objective of the project is increasing capacities of poor households towards elimination of their poverty. This project has started since 2010 as pilot base and ongoing till now. Direct beneficiaries of this project are 5741 households and indirect beneficiaries are 1263 households of Ghogadaha union of sadar Upazilla under Kurigram district. The project is funded by Palli Karma Sohayok Foundation (PKSF).



10.  Scaling up of Integrated Child Centered Climate Change Adaptation Project in Bangladesh

The Goal of this project is Community resilience increased through children and civil society organizations participation to make a climate adaptive culture. It is funded by Save the Children International for the period of August, 2013 to July, 2014. Total beneficiaries of this project are 2700 of 03 Upazilla under Kurigram district.



11.   ARTOB project

This is a joint-venture project of Solidarity and Bangladesh Shishu Academy- Kurigram. This project is funded by SHEEP (Social and Economic Enhancement Program) for the period of 2005 to continuing. Activities of this project are providing training for Union NCTF members on child rights issue.  The members of union NCTF done one year action plan wise activity such as Public hearing, different day observation, NCTF school committee formation, linkage with different govt. officials on child rights issue, union NCTF committee formation, union level child researcher, child journalist & child parliament member selection etc. Direct Beneficiaries of this project are 30 nos children and indirect beneficiaries are all the children of Berubary union of Nageshawri Upazilla under Kurigram district.


12.  STRSA IRRI BMGF Project

The STRASA IRRI BMGF project is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and technical supported by International rice research institute (IRRI- Bangladesh). It has started from January 2010 and ongoing now. The project is developed and disseminated rice verities tolerant of drought, flood submergence salinity, iron toxicity and cold and identified the region where stress tolerance variety will have maximum impact and develop a forum for upcoming seed production and adoption. The working area of this project is 09 Upazilla under Kurigram and 02 Upazilla under Lalmonirhat district. Total Beneficiaries of this project are  3000 farmers.


13 .  Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia - BD (CSISA-BD) project -1


The Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia – BD (CSISA-BD) project is implementing to improve maize wheat and mungbean production as well as establish local maize marketing for the period of 2012 to 2014. It is funded and technical supported by International maize and   wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT-Bangladesh). Total beneficiaries of this project are 408 of 02 Upazilla under Kurigram district and 03 Upazilla under Rangpur district.



14 .  Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia - BD (CSISA-BD) project -2


The Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia – BD (CSISA-BD) project is implementing to improve modern high yielding verities rice production for the period of 2013 to 2014. It is funded  and technical supported by International rice research institute (IRRI- Bangladesh). Total beneficiaries of this project are 286 of 02 Upazilla under Kurigram district and 03 Upazilla under Rangpur district.




15 . Promoting Pro-Poor Policy Reforms and Public Service for all Project

The objective of this project is Participatory budget, accountable governance for campaign, education, health care & safety net ensure government accountability capability of institutional development of SUPRO budget campaign aware to grassroots people for budget; prepare budget, implementation govt. service qualitative for all aware.  This project is funded by SUPRO for the period of January, 2013 to December, 2015 and working area of this project are 08 union & 01 Pourashava under Sadar Upazilla of Kurigram district.


16. Women Empowerment and Life Skill Education Project

The objective of this project are Increase Life Skill Education & awareness among women & adolescents and increased skilled & involvement on income generation activities of women & adolescents. This project is funded by Bangladesh NGO Foundation for the period January, 2013 to December, 2014. Total beneficiaries of this project are 100 women & adolescent of 01 union of sadar Upazilla under Kurigram district.



17. Strengthening Civic Engagement in election & political Processes for enhanced &  

     Transparency  & Democratic accountability Project

The objective of this project-

-Acceptance Election Transparency & increased

-Political situation & election related violence reduce

-Election Candidate their leadership development & public Demand raised  

This project is funded by The Asia Foundation. The working area of this project 09 Upazila under Kurigram and 01 Upazila under Lalmonirhat district.


18. Disaster Management Project

This Project are addressing different type of disaster affected beneficiaries through live support by boat, housing support, food, medicine, agriculture input, livestock, warm cloths in  kind and cash support. Solidarity operates development assistance and disaster relief program when situation compel to do some thing for disaster vulnerable victims as well as it’s available fund from different donor organization and individual. The working area of this project is all Upazilla of Kurigram district.


Bodies of Solidarity
List of Executive Committee Members
SL #
Name of persons       
Most. Rowson Ara Begum
S,M Harun Or Rashid Lal 
Founder & Member secretary
A.K.M Aftabuzzaman
Vice President
Mahabuba Rahman
Vice President
Shefaun Nahar Saju
Finance Secretary
Tapushree Deb
Executive Member
Sonali Abedin
Executive Member


Staff Information

Category of Staff




Regular staff  




Contractual staff        
















Present Supporter/ Partner Organization

01. Palli Karma Sohayok Foundation (PKSF)

02. Manusher Jonno Foundation

03. Water Aid Bangladesh

04. CARE Bangladesh


06. Save the Children International

07. Bread for the world Germany

08. SHEEP (Social and Economic Enhancement Program)

09. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

10. Bangladesh NGO Foundation


12. The Asia Foundation

13. Ain O Shalish Kendra


15. IRRI- Bangladesh

16. CIMMYT-Bangladesh

17. CAMPE/ Gana Sakharata Obhijan


Forum, Network and Alliance

Solidarity involves with various local & national level network, forum and alliance, which is, relates with organizations objectives and activities. Position of involvement of this network is as follows:  

SL #

Name of Forum/ Network/ Alliance





Central & Chapter Member


Agriculture Regenerative Forum                             






ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter                                   















Credit & Development Foundation (CDF)             






Campaign for Good Governance - SUPRO            

Founder National Council Member



General Committee Member



General Committee Member





Gender and Development Alliance – GAD/ Steps

Founder Executive Committee Member


Gana Sakharata Obhijan- CAMPE

General Council Member & Forum EC Member


Kurigram NGO Association (KNA)                       

Founder & President


Kurigram Shishu Adhiker Forum

Founder General Council Member











SAARC Peoples Movement

Committee member of Nature Human Centric People’s Movement of South Asia (SAARC Countries)


Sommilita Samajic Andalan




Vice President EC


 Awarded : This Organisation had been awarded by Directorat of Non Formal Education on 22 July,1998 through Honorable Prime Minister Shekh Hasina for excellent performance on adulte literecy program .


মোহাম্মদ সাইদুল আরীফ
জেলা প্রশাসক, কুড়িগ্রাম ।

মোঃ মিনহাজুল ইসলাম
অতিরিক্ত জেলা প্রশাসক ( সাবিক ), কুড়িগ্রাম ।

NGO সমূহ